99 River Street has two levels or car parking with both entries via River Street. Level 1 access is at the north end of the complex and Level 2 is at the south end and residents only have access to the level where their car space is located.
- Access to the car park areas are also with the use of the security proximity card.
- Private car parking is provided in the basement of the building with each car space allocated to an appropriate apartment with the apartment number painted to the car space.
- Residents are to park only in their allocated parking space and a private parking agreement is in place to ticket any incorrectly parked vehicles.
- There are visitor car parks located immediately inside the entrances to the car park. Permanent visitor parking is not permitted.
- The maximum allowable height of vehicles entering the car park is 2.0m. Vehicles over this height are prohibited from entering the car park as they may cause damage to overhead duct and pipe work. Should this occur, it is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to pay for any damage, which may be incurred. If it is a visitor or contractor to a particular apartment, the liability will rest with the apartment owner.
- In certain areas of the car park, overhead ductwork and pipe work is below 2.0m and these areas have been highlighted with reflective hazard tape.
As there are pedestrians always walking around the car park, safety must be adhered to at all times. Please be aware of the following:
- The speed limit is 5 km/h;
- Please be aware of pedestrians around lift lobby areas and car park ramps;
- Watch for pedestrians when entering/existing car park;
- Observe directional traffic flow arrows;
- Put on your head lights when in the car park so you are easier to see;
- Always use your proximity card when entering or exiting the car park. Only one vehicle is permitted to enter or exit the building per swipe of the proximity card. If you fail to swipe, the garage door could end up on the bonnet or roof of your vehicle.
- For security purposes, do not leave your proximity card in your vehicle.