Emergency Plan


The information listed in this document is of a general nature and is based on current procedures, emergency services experience, other accepted actions and protocols, and should be used as a guide only.

With emergency situations being the exception rather than the rule, dealing with an emergency
requires some decisions being made prior to response, the following guide may be of assistance.


Emergency assembly area: cnr River Street & Alendandra Avenue


Emergency evacuation procedures

If the evacuation alarm sounds, or you are advised to evacuate the building which you are in:

Do not panic – remain calm

Leave the building immediately via the stairwells

Fire alarm – don't delay in gathering personal belongings or bags, this may delay your exit from the building

Last person out close, BUT do not lock doors

Do not use building lifts

Do not run, push or overtake

Go to the closest of the building's emergency assembly areas and remain there. The assembly areas are:

  • Chapel Mews courtyard at the water feature.
  • The level 2 Podium lawn area.
  • Lawn area on the corner of River Street and Alexandra Avenue.

Listen for, and follow instructions given by Wardens, or emergency services personnel

Do NOT re-enter the building, or leave the assembly area until given the all clear by Wardens, or the emergency services personnel.

Electrical power to the Building can fail, either as an isolated incident or as part of a larger emergency.  Planning for power failures and knowing what to do when they occur can keep the incident from creating a disaster for you. 

In the event of a Power Outage, Emergency lighting in the building will turn on; Emergency lighting is situated
to show the path of travel out of the building via corridors & or stairwells. The minimum in service
operation for Emergency Lighting is 90 minutes
; in some circumstances the duration may be longer.

Occupier must decide to stay within their apartments or leave the building.

Defibrillator location

There is an 'anyone-can-use' defibrillator located in Club SY21 on the wall facing the stairs to the level 2  swimming pool. St John Ambulance Australia recommends the use by all residents of the "Emergency+" app (available on android and IOS) which automatically gives your location when 000 is dialled. 

Preparing for a Power Outage

Occupiers are advised to consider a personal emergency plan given due consideration to holding appropriate equipment for use in such an emergency.

While the Power is OFF

Occupiers are advised to consider how they will be kept informed of the problem to enable other decisions to be made.

When the Power Returns

Reset / restart / check equipment.

Building management will check all building service equipment is correctly returned to service.

General Emergencies

Contact Police, Fire, Ambulance, phone 000


The local Police can be contacted directly to deal with criminal incidents.

Contact Prahran Police on 9520 5200.


Emergency assembly area: Piazza Garden water feature

Internal Emergencies

  • Water Damage
  • Major power failure
  • Water mains failure
  • Lift Failure
  • Security access failure
  • Basement Access Gate failure
  • Traffic accidents
  • Inappropriate Behaviour

Contact the following authorities;

Resident Manager; Mobile: 0400 010 905.



Emergency assembly area: SY21 Podium Garden

For further fire information see link below

SY21 fire poster.pdf


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